This report offers a complete analysis of Asian American Moms from a consumer perspective. Below, we’ve summarized the key areas covered, defined the report scope, and offer handpicked insights from the report itself.
Key Areas Covered
- Achievements needed to make them feel like a ‘supermom’ and barriers to achieving this.
- Areas where Asian Moms would like some help and what they’re willing to pay for.
- Areas Asian Moms would prioritize if they had an extra three hours in their day.
- Perceptions on ability to balance their own needs against the needs of their children.
Report Scope
For the purposes of this Report, Mintel defines Asian moms as female internet users aged 18+ who are parents/guardians to at least one child under the age of 18 in the household. Where applicable, data in this Report is compared to all US moms and in some cases to the Asian population as a whole.
Asian American Consumer Overview in 2023
The Asian American audience is very diverse culturally, with varying levels of income and education. Generally, Asians are more affluent and educated than the US population overall, with close to half of Asian Millennials earning over $100K per year and 72% having at least a college degree.
How to Market to Asian Moms: Example Opportunity
Asian moms value their time with their kids and tend to prefer cleaning and cooking themselves rather than outsourcing. Brands have an opportunity to offer solutions to help Asian moms save time, such as household products and services that help free up time for family. Food products that are convenient, healthy, and authentic to Asian cultures will also prove appealing. Examples of brands already utilizing this strategy are Yishi Foods and Afar Snacks.
For a complete analysis of marketing opportunities available to brands, buy the full report. Alternatively, you may want to browse our Asian American Beauty Consumer Report or Marketing to Asian Millennials Report.
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Expert Analysis
This report, written by Carol Wong-Li, a leading consumer and cultures analyst, delivers in-depth commentary and analysis to provide opportunities to market to Asian moms.
Asian moms may seem to have it all: they are on average more affluent, more educated and more likely to be living with a spouse than other moms. At the same time, they are also the most likely to admit they feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being a parent. Helping these valued consumers find balance and extra time in their busy lives will be critical to gaining their loyalty – as will be representing them accurately as Asian-Americans and people.
Carol Wong-Li
Director, Consumers and Culture